在下由細都唔信命運由天定,相信命運就在我手裏 ~
不過有時 D 星座又真係幾準 ~
Today's Horoscope :
You will have to pass up an opportunity you were excited about, but in the end it will be better for you
今個星期,由於時間緊迫,我和同事們決定放棄於現在這個 Phase One 使用 Rational Application Developer v7 內的Annotation Builder (XDoclet)...Hope that this choice will impact our schedule the least ~
不過有時 D 星座又真係幾準 ~
Today's Horoscope :
You will have to pass up an opportunity you were excited about, but in the end it will be better for you今個星期,由於時間緊迫,我和同事們決定放棄於現在這個 Phase One 使用 Rational Application Developer v7 內的Annotation Builder (XDoclet)...Hope that this choice will impact our schedule the least ~