還有一天...我就會身處 布吉的 陽光 與 海灘 之中。
一個久違了的假期,希望我的情緒 / 慾望 / 負能量 不會在這之前爆發 ~
挨得久了,真的很想去行開一下 ~
在 "Working with you is killing me" 一書內(暫時看到第三章),我覺得我自己有少許 Rebel 和 Martyr... 其他的...都因為在下的不要臉 和 不負責任 而沒有跟它們拉上關係 ~~~
Hero : The need to be idolized compels this individual to produce more and perform better than everyone else.
Caretaker : Feels responsible for and tries to solve everyone else's personal problems.
Rebel : Bends the rules and goes against the grain...even when it jeopardizes his / her career.
Martyr : Wants recognition and praise for sacrifice and suffering on behalf of the company.
Entertainer : Users jokes and humor to break the tension and keep the others happy.
Peacemaker : Does whatever it takes to keep the peace.
The Invisible One : Stay out of trouble by staying out of the spotlight.
你 / 妳 又會是哪一種 ?
一個久違了的假期,希望我的情緒 / 慾望 / 負能量 不會在這之前爆發 ~
挨得久了,真的很想去行開一下 ~
在 "Working with you is killing me" 一書內(暫時看到第三章),我覺得我自己有少許 Rebel 和 Martyr... 其他的...都因為在下的不要臉 和 不負責任 而沒有跟它們拉上關係 ~~~
Hero : The need to be idolized compels this individual to produce more and perform better than everyone else.
Caretaker : Feels responsible for and tries to solve everyone else's personal problems.
Rebel : Bends the rules and goes against the grain...even when it jeopardizes his / her career.
Martyr : Wants recognition and praise for sacrifice and suffering on behalf of the company.
Entertainer : Users jokes and humor to break the tension and keep the others happy.
Peacemaker : Does whatever it takes to keep the peace.
The Invisible One : Stay out of trouble by staying out of the spotlight.
你 / 妳 又會是哪一種 ?