九月頭才轉了隊 ~ 但...其實在下於十月中,還轉了工 XDDD ,在下忘了清楚地告訢各位 :p
這個項目 (Project) 主要是做老子的本行 --- Web App。當年,項目以 Struts 為 Framework 時,在下連 JSP 和 Servlet 的關係都攪不清,更不要說甚麼 Tag Library, Filter...雖則在下於上一份安穩工作時 考了相關的考試,但...始終不使用便很快會忘記 ~~~ 更何況,那些東西,根本不足以完成整個項目 Orz。東西是學不完的,不要以為在 I.T. 界內做得久等於有經驗,因為太多新東西了 ~~~ JSP 2.1 和 Servlet 2.5 都已經出了 (我考的是 JSP 2.0 & Servlet 2.4)。
早前好像聽見有同事一副高興的樣子說現在工作很好,不用做 Coding 了,開始可以指點人家如何做了...我當時其實很想跟你是否打算放棄做 I.T. 了,如果不編程,在下實在不知道你如何可以與時並進...當年 Sinba (大陸同事) 在我還未學懂 Struts 時己經在看 JSF 的 spec (我十一月才看如何使用...),Zee 在我還在考慮是否考 SCJD 時己經在看 JVM 的 implementation 文件 (至今我未看過一眼)...當年是 2004 年...中國還有很多人材,只係睇你是否有幸遇見。若然未見,時晨未到!
好了,個人東西說完了,在下想講一講 "環境改變 對 個人帶來的改變"
Whenever there are changes in environment, we may change ourselves unconsciously.
However, I highly suggest you, my friends, to monitor yourself on how you make your changes.
Making new relationships (knowing more people) is a good move, but I really doubt changing your close relationship is also a good move too. I would challenge on what if u change ur job again or ur close friend changes job? If u find ur relations always break because of environment, does it imply the relation depend heavily upon the environment? I wouldn't say it's good or bad. I leave it to you, my friends, to think about it.
Every of u may have different views on this. I am not going to convince anyone to align with my view. I just try to remind u here, before u make up ur mind. Hope u all have a happy life~!
這個項目 (Project) 主要是做老子的本行 --- Web App。當年,項目以 Struts 為 Framework 時,在下連 JSP 和 Servlet 的關係都攪不清,更不要說甚麼 Tag Library, Filter...雖則在下於上一份安穩工作時 考了相關的考試,但...始終不使用便很快會忘記 ~~~ 更何況,那些東西,根本不足以完成整個項目 Orz。東西是學不完的,不要以為在 I.T. 界內做得久等於有經驗,因為太多新東西了 ~~~ JSP 2.1 和 Servlet 2.5 都已經出了 (我考的是 JSP 2.0 & Servlet 2.4)。
早前好像聽見有同事一副高興的樣子說現在工作很好,不用做 Coding 了,開始可以指點人家如何做了...我當時其實很想跟你是否打算放棄做 I.T. 了,如果不編程,在下實在不知道你如何可以與時並進...當年 Sinba (大陸同事) 在我還未學懂 Struts 時己經在看 JSF 的 spec (我十一月才看如何使用...),Zee 在我還在考慮是否考 SCJD 時己經在看 JVM 的 implementation 文件 (至今我未看過一眼)...當年是 2004 年...中國還有很多人材,只係睇你是否有幸遇見。若然未見,時晨未到!
好了,個人東西說完了,在下想講一講 "環境改變 對 個人帶來的改變"
Whenever there are changes in environment, we may change ourselves unconsciously.
However, I highly suggest you, my friends, to monitor yourself on how you make your changes.
Making new relationships (knowing more people) is a good move, but I really doubt changing your close relationship is also a good move too. I would challenge on what if u change ur job again or ur close friend changes job? If u find ur relations always break because of environment, does it imply the relation depend heavily upon the environment? I wouldn't say it's good or bad. I leave it to you, my friends, to think about it.
Every of u may have different views on this. I am not going to convince anyone to align with my view. I just try to remind u here, before u make up ur mind. Hope u all have a happy life~!
我家下讀緊OCP 呀,星期日考試呢
Btw, 呢兩位在珠海同事令我覺得
只可惜,我好似已經無左 Sinba 的聯絡方法...而 Zee 雖則長期 online,但只是account status online...沒有回應的...