前日收到駕駛學院導師的電話,他告訢了我的學車時間表。最有趣的是 導師的安排跟我之前定了的節目半點衝突都沒有!哈哈!
生活中有太多麻煩的事,還是將注意力放在開心的事吧! :)
I received a call from my driving teacher a few days ago. He told me the driving lesson arrangement. It's so lucky that the lessons do not collide with the planed events / activities I made a month ago. lol!
There's too many trouble things in life. I'm better to focus on the happy little things!! :)
生活中有太多麻煩的事,還是將注意力放在開心的事吧! :)
I received a call from my driving teacher a few days ago. He told me the driving lesson arrangement. It's so lucky that the lessons do not collide with the planed events / activities I made a month ago. lol!
There's too many trouble things in life. I'm better to focus on the happy little things!! :)