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回到香港的一個星期後,做回自己的老本行 --- I.T.。迄今已經做了兩個月了!這段時間,覺得自己有很多不足之處呢 ~

在下之前幾年的工作多為編碼,寫需求文檔、設計 和 小組管理 這些任務都是上個項目開始參與得比較多。當時主要是跟 香港的同事合作,所以溝通比較方便,有問題可以即時對答。但在這個項目,由於要跟在 深圳的同事 相隔甚遠,加上文化差別,所以溝通比較容易出錯,其至是誤會。不過,在下相信,上天不會好好待你的:每當你以為你勝任做某一件事時,她就會建起很多面牆去阻住你,讓你失望、叫你放棄、令你身心力竭。閣下可以選擇放棄,或是繼續。在下在過去的項目沒有放棄過,所以現在回頭一望,蠻有成功感的! (TDC 的烈士們,We are the champion!!)

以前工作時,以為年資比較長的 同事 一向都是做 抄標員 : 每日問 年資較低的同事 是日進度如何、慢了的原因是甚麼、死期在何時、等等。當時在下覺得這些工作一點都不實在,而且覺得是在混日子的...哈哈...現在才知道這些任務的重要性...真的是 曾經太過年青...

P.S. 最近聽過最有趣的東西 如下 :
大膽假設 小心求証 開天殺價 落地還錢

B 哥真的是個老闆們都很愛的項目經理,哈哈...

One week after I got back to HK, I got a job in my old service sector - I.T.
Time flies and it's been 2 months already. During this period, I found myself suffering from management skill insufficiency.

Most of my pass work experience is to develop or support system. Mainly I was working on the programming tasks.
For the documentation, design & group management, I just got more insight & experience from my previous project.
However, at that time, as most of the colleagues are HK based and we were working in the same office.
Whenever they have problems or delay, they can raise to us asap and we could help to clarify / re-arrange tasks quickly.
In this project, I need to work closely with the remote SZ staff. Due to the distance & the cultural difference, we suffered a bit from mis-communication and sometimes even mis-understanding.
In my viewpoint, I believe that the sky will never let you feel good.
Whenever you feel like you can handle something on your own, she will send more challenges to you.
She will build a lot of brick wall to block your progress, make you disappointed, force you to give up, drain all your energy.
You can surely say you cannot stand it and give up. Or you can keep going.
In my previous project, we never gave up. When I look back, I am so proud of it! (Cheers! All TDC Spartan)

When I was younger, I always think those senior staff were not doing actual work.
All they did was to ask the junior staff how the progress was, what made it slow, when the deadline was, etc.
Today, I found these tasks are REALLY boring but important...I must admit I was too young to know this before.

P.S. Recently the most interesing I heard from Mr. B is ... well, I think it's very hard to translate to English. Anyone can help?
Anyway, Mr. B is really a GOOD project manager. hahahah


Dai Pok said…
大膽假設 小心求証 開天殺價 落地還錢

Make assumptions aggressively
Make confirmations carefully
Make mark up ruthlessly
Make counter concretely
Archer said…
I thought it was TDC 死士 instead of 烈士? XD

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