一年又過去了! 2011 年的最後一天,在下到台灣跟一班在澳洲打工假期的台灣朋友在台北 101 渡過。這是一個很特別的新年開始!
Another year has gone! I spent my last day of 2011 around Taiwan 101 building with my Taiwanese friends met in my Australia working holiday. This is a really special new year to me!
進入 2012 年,亦即是在下已經畢業十年,十年人事幾番新,未知各位朋友的現況如何。小時候 每次要測驗考試時,總會想快點長大,以為出來做事以後不用再測驗考試,生活便可以更自由自在,時間可以由自己控制。到現在工作了十年,很多時都因為責任與自己對工作上少少的堅持,不時會令到自己躺在床上還因擔心這擔心那而睡不著,更會自動(和令同事們)加班以令項目不至於萬劫不復之景。私人時間少了,沒有寫 Blog, 也沒有認真的找老朋友出來聚聚、關心一下,還望各位見諒。
When the clock points from 23:59 31-Dec-2011 to 00:00 01-Jan-2012, I suddenly remembered that I graduated for 10 years already. With these 10 years time passed, how are you all, my dear friends? When I was young, I was so afraid of tests and examinations. I always hoped to grow up faster so that I could escape from tests and exams and gained control of my time and life. Now I have been worked for 10 years, due to the responsibility and my stubbornness, I sometimes have Insomnia. Even worse, I sacrificed (and also ask my colleagues to follow) personal time to chase the project progress. With the reduction in personal time, I cannot write blog nor meeting my friends. I beg your forgiveness.
這十年來出席過不少親戚、朋友、同事的婚席,每次我都衷心祝福他們白頭到老,永結同心。在下亦很開心他們進入人生的另一個階段。大約半年前,在下亦決定了在 2012 年進入人生的另一個階段。雖然現在的準備進度還是很初步 (比原定的進度遲了兩個月),但在這半年內的準備過程中,在下亦有所得著。幾年前有想過一下結婚大概需要多少錢,如今回想,那個數目真的令人貽笑大方。 婚姻這件事絶對是一個大項目,不止是兩個人的事,而是兩家人的事,要辦得兩家人都開開心心,當中有很多問學,需要很多的溝通,也要不少的功夫。還幸在下的工作上 領悟到一點項目管理的知識,加上有正在準備的朋友和同事的指引,亦感謝雙方家長的隨和,才不至於手忙腳亂。無論如何,在下還會努力去準備,加一把勁!
In these 10 years, I attended many wedding banquets from my relatives, my friends and colleagues. I sincerely pray for them and hope they enjoy their new stage of life. Half year ago, I also make a decision to enter this stage in 2012. Although the progress of my wedding preparation is a bit delay (for 2 months now), I learnt a lot of things. Firstly, marriage needs a lot of money! A few years ago, I roughly estimated the budget required for a Hong Kong style wedding. When I went to those wedding expos in 2011, I found that budget is hardly enough for the wedding banquet and there's still a lot of items to be paid!!! Secondly, marriage is not only a matter of two person in Chinese / Korean tradition. It's a serious linkage between two families and wedding is the first project for both families. To keep both families happy, a lot of effort is required to clarify & fulfill their requirement and to communicate their idea / decision. This is NOT easy and may take years to learn. I am so lucky that I had a bit project management insight from my work and my families are so kind, such that I am not in panic now. Also, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks my friends / colleagues who provided guidelines / sharings to me.
噢!忘了介紹一下我的未婚妻 Areum!她是一個很可愛又獨立自強的韓國女生。我們是在澳洲打工假期時在 Bandaberg (Brisbane 附近)認識並開始發展的。開始的時候我們兩個都說暫時不考慮結婚;不過人是會變的,在這兩個年頭內的相處,大家都認定彼此是適合的人,並改變最初的想法 決定 結緍。這兩年雖然不是每天都見面,但每天透過電話 / 電腦 的噓寒問暖、分享兩地生活的喜怒哀樂、細說心中所想所感受,令在下覺得天涯若比鄰,暖意在心中。
Oops! Please let me introduce my Fiancée, Areum. She is a lovely but independent Korean lady. We met each other and fell in love in Bandaberg(Brisbane) during our Australia working holiday. In 2010, we both thought we would not get married. Things changes! With the relationship developed for two years, we both agree each other is the right person to stay for the rest of our lives and decided to get married in 2012. Although we stay in different places most of the time, we communicate everyday via phone / Skype / MSN and we share everything in our lives, no matter it is happy, sad, sorrow or angry. These make us feel we are so close together.
There will be a lot of uncertainties and problems in front of us. Faith will move mountains! We will resolve them one by one.
Another year has gone! I spent my last day of 2011 around Taiwan 101 building with my Taiwanese friends met in my Australia working holiday. This is a really special new year to me!
進入 2012 年,亦即是在下已經畢業十年,十年人事幾番新,未知各位朋友的現況如何。小時候 每次要測驗考試時,總會想快點長大,以為出來做事以後不用再測驗考試,生活便可以更自由自在,時間可以由自己控制。到現在工作了十年,很多時都因為責任與自己對工作上少少的堅持,不時會令到自己躺在床上還因擔心這擔心那而睡不著,更會自動(和令同事們)加班以令項目不至於萬劫不復之景。私人時間少了,沒有寫 Blog, 也沒有認真的找老朋友出來聚聚、關心一下,還望各位見諒。
When the clock points from 23:59 31-Dec-2011 to 00:00 01-Jan-2012, I suddenly remembered that I graduated for 10 years already. With these 10 years time passed, how are you all, my dear friends? When I was young, I was so afraid of tests and examinations. I always hoped to grow up faster so that I could escape from tests and exams and gained control of my time and life. Now I have been worked for 10 years, due to the responsibility and my stubbornness, I sometimes have Insomnia. Even worse, I sacrificed (and also ask my colleagues to follow) personal time to chase the project progress. With the reduction in personal time, I cannot write blog nor meeting my friends. I beg your forgiveness.
這十年來出席過不少親戚、朋友、同事的婚席,每次我都衷心祝福他們白頭到老,永結同心。在下亦很開心他們進入人生的另一個階段。大約半年前,在下亦決定了在 2012 年進入人生的另一個階段。雖然現在的準備進度還是很初步 (比原定的進度遲了兩個月),但在這半年內的準備過程中,在下亦有所得著。幾年前有想過一下結婚大概需要多少錢,如今回想,那個數目真的令人貽笑大方。 婚姻這件事絶對是一個大項目,不止是兩個人的事,而是兩家人的事,要辦得兩家人都開開心心,當中有很多問學,需要很多的溝通,也要不少的功夫。還幸在下的工作上 領悟到一點項目管理的知識,加上有正在準備的朋友和同事的指引,亦感謝雙方家長的隨和,才不至於手忙腳亂。無論如何,在下還會努力去準備,加一把勁!
In these 10 years, I attended many wedding banquets from my relatives, my friends and colleagues. I sincerely pray for them and hope they enjoy their new stage of life. Half year ago, I also make a decision to enter this stage in 2012. Although the progress of my wedding preparation is a bit delay (for 2 months now), I learnt a lot of things. Firstly, marriage needs a lot of money! A few years ago, I roughly estimated the budget required for a Hong Kong style wedding. When I went to those wedding expos in 2011, I found that budget is hardly enough for the wedding banquet and there's still a lot of items to be paid!!! Secondly, marriage is not only a matter of two person in Chinese / Korean tradition. It's a serious linkage between two families and wedding is the first project for both families. To keep both families happy, a lot of effort is required to clarify & fulfill their requirement and to communicate their idea / decision. This is NOT easy and may take years to learn. I am so lucky that I had a bit project management insight from my work and my families are so kind, such that I am not in panic now. Also, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks my friends / colleagues who provided guidelines / sharings to me.
噢!忘了介紹一下我的未婚妻 Areum!她是一個很可愛又獨立自強的韓國女生。我們是在澳洲打工假期時在 Bandaberg (Brisbane 附近)認識並開始發展的。開始的時候我們兩個都說暫時不考慮結婚;不過人是會變的,在這兩個年頭內的相處,大家都認定彼此是適合的人,並改變最初的想法 決定 結緍。這兩年雖然不是每天都見面,但每天透過電話 / 電腦 的噓寒問暖、分享兩地生活的喜怒哀樂、細說心中所想所感受,令在下覺得天涯若比鄰,暖意在心中。
Oops! Please let me introduce my Fiancée, Areum. She is a lovely but independent Korean lady. We met each other and fell in love in Bandaberg(Brisbane) during our Australia working holiday. In 2010, we both thought we would not get married. Things changes! With the relationship developed for two years, we both agree each other is the right person to stay for the rest of our lives and decided to get married in 2012. Although we stay in different places most of the time, we communicate everyday via phone / Skype / MSN and we share everything in our lives, no matter it is happy, sad, sorrow or angry. These make us feel we are so close together.
There will be a lot of uncertainties and problems in front of us. Faith will move mountains! We will resolve them one by one.