朋友聽到後很驚訝地說:「我覺得你變左啦!你以前有大志 d 架 bor! 做乜家陣攪成咁呀?」
其實在下覺得,活了在這個城巿那麼久,被這種文化洗禮得有時自己都差點覺得自己沒車沒樓就是沒有用。在下就是覺得生活是由閣下選擇的,去了澳洲一年後,這種感覺就更加強烈了。生活、工作、消費 這三件事應該好好平衡。在香港,我覺得真的太過著重 工作 和 消費,能夠享受生活的都多半是 半退休人仕 (家嚴 和 家慈)...有時候會想離開這個地方 到另一地方發展...可是又會擔心做二等公民...又怕到時太多生活...
不過朋友說得有一點我絶對同意 : 做人要不斷進步。每年在下都會不斷進步,無論是在經驗、辦事能力、和 工資上,在下都要不斷上升!可笑只是在下每年的花費都不斷上升...OTL...就是財來財去留不住...
Today I play MJ with my friends. During the game, one of my friend said she and her husband bought a flat.
At that time, I was so happy and said, "Wow! You bought a flat! That's so great! I feel like I will never have bought one!"
I am not going to complain about the amazingly expensive flat prices these days (HKD$10,000/sq. ft).
I understand I am a butterfly living in summer. Aksing me to make a place to stay for winter is...impossible.
However, my friend was so shocked and asked, "Kenny, how come you changed so much? When I knew you, you were much more ambitious! What has happened to you?"
At that moment, I was a bit embarassed. I can't help asking myself "Did I really change? Did I lose my energy or ambition? Or does buying a flat is really a sign of ambition?"
Having lived in HK for all these years, I nearly believed that the ability of man depends on how much he can spend.
However, after 1 year working holiday in Australia, I think a man should have free will and have a good balance between Life, Work & Expense.
In HK, the majority values work & expense. Only the half-retired people can really enjoy their life (like my parents).
Sometimes, I really want to leave HK and start my life somewhere else.
I was worrying about how the native people treated us (some un-nice encounters in OZ) or if there is too much idle time there...
I am more than agree with my friend on one point - continous improvement. Every year, I have target to improve on certain area, gain more experience on doing something, and gain more money.
The funny thing is ...whenever I have more income, my expenses increase proportionally.
So, the more I gained, the more I spent...and have no money saved...
I don't think HK female will like a person like me~ hehehe
朋友聽到後很驚訝地說:「我覺得你變左啦!你以前有大志 d 架 bor! 做乜家陣攪成咁呀?」
其實在下覺得,活了在這個城巿那麼久,被這種文化洗禮得有時自己都差點覺得自己沒車沒樓就是沒有用。在下就是覺得生活是由閣下選擇的,去了澳洲一年後,這種感覺就更加強烈了。生活、工作、消費 這三件事應該好好平衡。在香港,我覺得真的太過著重 工作 和 消費,能夠享受生活的都多半是 半退休人仕 (家嚴 和 家慈)...有時候會想離開這個地方 到另一地方發展...可是又會擔心做二等公民...又怕到時太多生活...
不過朋友說得有一點我絶對同意 : 做人要不斷進步。每年在下都會不斷進步,無論是在經驗、辦事能力、和 工資上,在下都要不斷上升!可笑只是在下每年的花費都不斷上升...OTL...就是財來財去留不住...
Today I play MJ with my friends. During the game, one of my friend said she and her husband bought a flat.
At that time, I was so happy and said, "Wow! You bought a flat! That's so great! I feel like I will never have bought one!"
I am not going to complain about the amazingly expensive flat prices these days (HKD$10,000/sq. ft).
I understand I am a butterfly living in summer. Aksing me to make a place to stay for winter is...impossible.
However, my friend was so shocked and asked, "Kenny, how come you changed so much? When I knew you, you were much more ambitious! What has happened to you?"
At that moment, I was a bit embarassed. I can't help asking myself "Did I really change? Did I lose my energy or ambition? Or does buying a flat is really a sign of ambition?"
Having lived in HK for all these years, I nearly believed that the ability of man depends on how much he can spend.
However, after 1 year working holiday in Australia, I think a man should have free will and have a good balance between Life, Work & Expense.
In HK, the majority values work & expense. Only the half-retired people can really enjoy their life (like my parents).
Sometimes, I really want to leave HK and start my life somewhere else.
I was worrying about how the native people treated us (some un-nice encounters in OZ) or if there is too much idle time there...
I am more than agree with my friend on one point - continous improvement. Every year, I have target to improve on certain area, gain more experience on doing something, and gain more money.
The funny thing is ...whenever I have more income, my expenses increase proportionally.
So, the more I gained, the more I spent...and have no money saved...
I don't think HK female will like a person like me~ hehehe