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Showing posts from March, 2011

War of Money

出發工作假期之前一個月 (2009年6月),在下完成了合約工作,開始埋首自己的 SCEA 考試。那段時間總會在週六晚懶在沙發上做些在下很少會做的事 --- 看‧電‧視! 那造就了我和 War of Money (쩐의전쟁) 的巧遇。我只看了頭幾集,所以暫時依然不知道結局如何,希望不會是「只要努力就萬事可成功」那種。頭幾集的情節很不錯,而且題材比較新鮮:一開始就是主角被坑欠下巨債,然後去應徵做 「做數佬」。 回到香港後,現在每天為了錢跟人對抗...唉...這場戰爭很漫長呢! I finished my contract job one month before my working holiday. I planned to study hard for my SCEA examination at that time. On the weekends of that month, I usually laid down on my sofa and did something I seldom do --- watching TV drama. It was my first encounter with the Korean TV drama, "War of Money". I only watched the first few episodes and did not know how the story ends. I hope the ending is not the kind of "As long as work hard enough, you can fight against everything". I think this drama is really extraordinary. The story started with the main character fell into a trap that made him owe someone a lot money. Then he tried to be some kind of bad guy who ask/force other people to return money to the bank / finance company...

Driving - update

前日收到駕駛學院導師的電話,他告訢了我的學車時間表。最有趣的是 導師的安排跟我之前定了的節目半點衝突都沒有!哈哈! 生活中有太多麻煩的事,還是將注意力放在開心的事吧! :) I received a call from my driving teacher a few days ago. He told me the driving lesson arrangement. It's so lucky that the lessons do not collide with the planed events / activities I made a month ago. lol! There's too many trouble things in life. I'm better to focus on the happy little things!! :)


由上年八月開始打算學車, 去到九月底才真正報名,最後還是選了駕駛學院...懶得很呢!!! 前幾日才定了考期 (六月一日),但老師卻說四月才開始學車都沒有問題。我真的有點擔心我是否能夠一次通過 (>w I planned to learn driving last August but got registration to a driving school in September. So lazy ar!! I got my driving examination date confirmed on 1st Jun 2011 a few days ago. My driving coach said it should be fine even if I start to learn driving in Apr 2011. I really worry about whether I can pass the exam in one trial (>w