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Showing posts from December, 2005

回顧 @ Dec 2005

Time Management: - Planning 就像"彈"花一現,只出現了三個星期便告終。別以善少而不為, 別以惡少而為之。Such habit should be re-enforced. Skin Problem: Still there. Try to take more medicine, but seems still no much advance. Gladys: Her busiest days in this year passed. I dated her to Repulse Bay in the coming week. To feel the romance and love among us. Work: - Still not a very good programmer. Everyday just search for other suggestions (how to xxx, how to yyy, etc.) Selft Study: - Head first design pattern * Done with Command Pattern yesterday (2 Nov 2005 - 11 Dec 2005)... took like a month to understand. * Started Adaptor Pattern yesterday(11 Dec 2005) Diablo: - Ladder * Thanks to Adam, who gave me one set tal rasha, trang oul and some runes (gul, ko, lum, etc...) * started to get some nice items in pit run...I think I should stick to it. - Non Ladder * Get a baal's eye. Still need 2 more destruction key and 1 hate key for another Uber Tristram. * The IceFireLo doesn't have enough Life....Too much Mana